57346 An internal error has occurred in module "%1". Contact you IBM service representative. The error number is "%2".
57350 When you choose to create a new user, you must type a new name.
57353 The personal words and macros for "%1" (in all Languages and Vocabularies) on this computer will be removed and replaced with personal words from the other computer. All enrolments for "%1" will be preserved.
57358 The speech engine could not create a user ID for "%1". (SM error code %2.) After this program, Migrate Users, has finished:\n\n--Stop all speech applications.\n--Run Migrate Users again for this user only.
57359 \n\nIf that fails, contact your IBM service representative.
57364 User "%1" from the other computer already exists on this computer.
57365 Name "%1" already exists on this computer. Please enter another name.
57369 The file "%1" is missing. (GetLastError code is %2!d!.) Be sure your speech product is correctly installed and try again.